Keystone SMILES House of Trades matches our AmeriCorps members with community-service projects that pave paths to trade careers in Clarion and Venango Counties.
Learn trade-skills such as construction, masonry, landscaping; while working on real-world projects that your community needs!
Keystone SMILES AmeriCorps House of Trades members build communities while enjoying great benefits!
Earn up to $2,530 a Month
Members receive a bi-monthly living allowance while serving.
Up to $7,395 for Education
Segal Education Awards can pay for federal student loans, certificate programs, or other secondary education expenses.
Numerous Other Benefits
Benefits for full-time members include loan forbearance, interest paid on federal loans, vision, dental, and healthcare for eligible individuals.
Why should I serve in Keystone SMILES AmeriCorps House of Trades?
Jump Start a Trade Career
The House of Trades is often a stepping stone into satisfying blue-collar careers that have great pay and endless promotion opportunities.
Build Your Community
Become part of community service projects that are impact lives and improve local economies.
Forge Friendships & Networks
The blood, sweat, and tears that go into trade work builds experiences and friendships that last lifetimes. Many of your peers will move onto trades careers and be priceless connections
Don't wait! Apply today and choose an AmeriCorps position in your community!