Host Sites collaborate with Keystone SMILES to select qualified AmeriCorps members to enrich and expand their mission.

We're now accepting applications for AmeriCorps Host Sites. Our members provide academic assistance in before, during, and after-school programming in a public or private school settings

Keystone SMILES AmeriCorps members make a difference in their community!

A circle of Keystone SMILES AmeriCorps members look down into the camera


Of Segal Education Awards Earned By AmeriCorps Members​

An AmeriCorps member prepares food for distribution


Keystone SMILES AmeriCorps members in our 30-Year Legacy​

An AmeriCorps member poses with a youth they serve


At-Risk Youth Mentored & Tutored​

AmeriCorps members working on an outdoor project


Service Learning Volunteers Impacting Communities​

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Why should we become a Host Site?

Allowance and Benefits Covered

Members earn a bi-monthly living allowance and education rewards, student loan forbearance, and other benefits.
AmeriCorps members prepare education supplies
Youth gather around a beloved AmeriCorps member

Capacity Enhancement

National service programs provides AmeriCorps members as an equitable solution to unmet mission needs for community-building, education, and out-of-school youth services.

Choose The Best Fit

Host Sites, in collaboration with Keystone SMILES, interview and choose the perfect AmeriCorps member based on their resume, service-potential, and professional outlook.

An AmeriCorps member teaches concepts to students
AmeriCorps members show their branded hoodies

Worry-Free Selections

Members are required to meet thorough background checks before they begin their service at your organization.

Enhance your organization's capacity with qualifying candidates! Apply Today!