Keystone SMILES AmeriCorps members explore future career-pathways while mentoring and tutoring in schools near you!
Earn up to $2,530 a Month
Members receive a bi-monthly living allowance while serving.
Up to $7,395 for Education
Segal Education Awards can pay for federal student loans, certificate programs, or other secondary education expenses.
Numerous Other Benefits
Benefits for full-time members include loan forbearance, interest paid on federal loans, vision, dental, and healthcare for eligible individuals.
Why should I serve in Keystone SMILES AmeriCorps K-12 Programs?
Career Paths Working with Students
Many of our members move directly into careers as teachers, counselors, school administrators, teacher's aids, and other important positions serving youth.
Mentor & Tutoring Experience
Students benefit from having many positive influences and role-models in their lives. Our K-12 members provide services and leadership for students who need academic support.
Make Your Favorite Memories
Serving students is an unforgettable experience. They are funny, challenging, and inspirational. You will gain resilience and plenty of fond memories.
Don't wait! Apply today and choose an AmeriCorps position in a school district nearest you!